
These are some of my projects.
The source code and a link to the demo is provided for each project.


A Progressive Web App built with Next.js and TailwindCSS to keep track of classes, attendance, grades, faculty, and more, for students of my university.

React Table Demo
React Table Demo

A demo and guide for using react-table with react-query for displaying tabular data, with CRUD functionality using NextJS API routes.

Dummy Data API

Get dummy data for development and testing purposes. Built with Go, AWS Lambda, and API Gateway

Quran Obsidian Template
Quran Obsidian Template

A template to take Quran notes, meant for use with Obsidian.


An index for the agents of the popular video-game Valorant. Displays agents, their color palette, origins, powers, voicelines and more.

Go Blockchain Demo

A simple blockchain made using Go. This was made only as a proof of concept, and runs only on localhost for now.

Amizone Web Scraper

A web scraper built with Puppeteer to scrape lecture schedule, attendance, grades, etc. from my college website, Amizone.

SDE Handbook
SDE Handbook

A collection of curated, easily-accessible notes I make while learning about software development.

Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors

An online rendition of the classic game Rock-Paper-Scissors.

School Management App
School Management App

A demo web app to manage the typical administration tasks in a school, like attendance, academic calendar, events, etc.

Tinder Clone
Tinder Clone

A clone of the popular app, Tinder, made with React & MaterialUI, and Firebase as the backend.